
prometheus ceph_exporter 监控项

截止2019-05-24 ceph_exporter监控项整理

Metrics Chinese explanation English explanation
ceph_active_pgs 处于active状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_active_pgs No. of active PGs in the cluster
ceph_backfill_wait_pgs 处于backfill_wait状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_backfill_wait_pgs No. of PGs in the cluster with backfill_wait state
ceph_backfilling_pgs 处于backfilling状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_backfilling_pgs No. of backfilling PGs in the cluster
ceph_cache_evict_io_bytes 每秒从cache pool(缓存池)中evicted(逐出)的字节数 # HELP ceph_cache_evict_io_bytes Rate of bytes being evicted from the cache pool per second
ceph_cache_flush_io_bytes 每秒从cache pool(缓存池)中flushed(刷新)的字节数 # HELP ceph_cache_flush_io_bytes Rate of bytes being flushed from the cache pool per second
ceph_cache_promote_io_ops 每秒cache promote操作的总数 # HELP ceph_cache_promote_io_ops Total cache promote operations measured per second
ceph_client_io_ops 客户端每秒操作总数 # HELP ceph_client_io_ops Total client ops on the cluster measured per second
ceph_client_io_read_bytes 客户端每秒read字节数 # HELP ceph_client_io_read_bytes Rate of bytes being read by all clients per second
ceph_client_io_read_ops 客户端每秒read总I/O操作数 # HELP ceph_client_io_read_ops Total client read I/O ops on the cluster measured per second
ceph_client_io_write_bytes 客户端每秒write字节数 # HELP ceph_client_io_write_bytes Rate of bytes being written by all clients per second
ceph_client_io_write_ops 客户端每秒write总I/O操作数 # HELP ceph_client_io_write_ops Total client write I/O ops on the cluster measured per second
ceph_cluster_available_bytes 群集中的可用空间 # HELP ceph_cluster_available_bytes Available space within the cluster
ceph_cluster_capacity_bytes 群集的总容量 # HELP ceph_cluster_capacity_bytes Total capacity of the cluster
ceph_cluster_objects 集群中的rados object数 # HELP ceph_cluster_objects No. of rados objects within the cluster
ceph_cluster_used_bytes 集群已使用的容量 # HELP ceph_cluster_used_bytes Capacity of the cluster currently in use
ceph_deep_scrubbing_pgs deep scrubbing状态的PG数量 # HELP ceph_deep_scrubbing_pgs No. of deep scrubbing PGs in the cluster
ceph_degraded_objects 所有PG中degraded objects的数量,包括副本 # HELP ceph_degraded_objects No. of degraded objects across all PGs, includes replicas
ceph_degraded_pgs 处于degraded状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_degraded_pgs No. of PGs in a degraded state
ceph_down_pgs 处于down状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_down_pgs No. of PGs in the cluster in down state
ceph_forced_backfill_pgs 处于forced_backfill状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_forced_backfill_pgs No. of PGs in the cluster with forced_backfill state
ceph_forced_recovery_pgs 处于forced_recovery状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_forced_recovery_pgs No. of PGs in the cluster with forced_recovery state
ceph_health_status 群集的health状态,只能在3种状态之间变化(err:2, warn:1, ok:0) # HELP ceph_health_status Health status of Cluster, can vary only between 3 states (err:2, warn:1, ok:0)
ceph_misplaced_objects 所有PG中misplaced object的数量,包括副本 # HELP ceph_misplaced_objects No. of misplaced objects across all PGs, includes replicas
ceph_monitor_quorum_count monitor quorum的总数 # HELP ceph_monitor_quorum_count The total size of the monitor quorum
ceph_osd_avail_bytes OSD可用存储字节数 # HELP ceph_osd_avail_bytes OSD Available Storage in Bytes
ceph_osd_average_utilization OSD平均利用率 # HELP ceph_osd_average_utilization OSD Average Utilization
ceph_osd_bytes OSD总字节数 # HELP ceph_osd_bytes OSD Total Bytes
ceph_osd_crush_weight OSD Crush Weight # HELP ceph_osd_crush_weight OSD Crush Weight
ceph_osd_depth OSD 深度 # HELP ceph_osd_depth OSD Depth
ceph_osd_in OSD In状态 # HELP ceph_osd_in OSD In Status
ceph_osd_perf_apply_latency_seconds OSD Perf Apply延迟 # HELP ceph_osd_perf_apply_latency_seconds OSD Perf Apply Latency
ceph_osd_perf_commit_latency_seconds OSD Perf Commit延迟 # HELP ceph_osd_perf_commit_latency_seconds OSD Perf Commit Latency
ceph_osd_pgs OSD Placement Group计数 # HELP ceph_osd_pgs OSD Placement Group Count
ceph_osd_reweight OSD Reweight # HELP ceph_osd_reweight OSD Reweight
ceph_osd_total_avail_bytes OSD可用存储总字节数 # HELP ceph_osd_total_avail_bytes OSD Total Available Storage Bytes
ceph_osd_total_bytes OSD总存储字节数 # HELP ceph_osd_total_bytes OSD Total Storage Bytes
ceph_osd_total_used_bytes OSD已使用总的存储字节数 # HELP ceph_osd_total_used_bytes OSD Total Used Storage Bytes
ceph_osd_up OSD Up状态 # HELP ceph_osd_up OSD Up Status
ceph_osd_used_bytes OSD已使用的存储空间字节 # HELP ceph_osd_used_bytes OSD Used Storage in Bytes
ceph_osd_utilization OSD利用率 # HELP ceph_osd_utilization OSD Utilization
ceph_osd_variance OSD方差 # HELP ceph_osd_variance OSD Variance
ceph_osdmap_flag_full 群集标记为已满,无法提供写入服务 # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_full The cluster is flagged as full and cannot service writes
ceph_osdmap_flag_nobackfill OSD不会被backfill # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_nobackfill OSDs will not be backfilled
ceph_osdmap_flag_nodeep_scrub 禁用Deep scrubbing # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_nodeep_scrub Deep scrubbing is disabled
ceph_osdmap_flag_nodown 忽略OSD失败报告,OSD不会被标记为down # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_nodown OSD failure reports are ignored, OSDs will not be marked as down
ceph_osdmap_flag_noin 不会自动标记out的OSD # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_noin OSDs that are out will not be automatically marked in
ceph_osdmap_flag_noout 在配置的间隔后,OSD不会自动标记out # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_noout OSDs will not be automatically marked out after the configured interval
ceph_osdmap_flag_norebalance 数据rebalancing暂停 # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_norebalance Data rebalancing is suspended
ceph_osdmap_flag_norecover Recovery暂停 # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_norecover Recovery is suspended
ceph_osdmap_flag_noscrub 禁用Scrubbing # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_noscrub Scrubbing is disabled
ceph_osdmap_flag_notieragent Cache tiering activity已暂停 # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_notieragent Cache tiering activity is suspended
ceph_osdmap_flag_noup 不允许OSD start # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_noup OSDs are not allowed to start
ceph_osdmap_flag_pauserd Reads暂停 # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_pauserd Reads are paused
ceph_osdmap_flag_pausewr Writes暂停 # HELP ceph_osdmap_flag_pausewr Writes are paused
ceph_osds 群集中总OSD数量 # HELP ceph_osds Count of total OSDs in the cluster
ceph_osds_down 处于DOWN状态的OSD数量 # HELP ceph_osds_down Count of OSDs that are in DOWN state
ceph_osds_in 处于IN状态并可用于处理请求的OSD数量 # HELP ceph_osds_in Count of OSDs that are in IN state and available to serve requests
ceph_osds_up 处于UP状态的OSD数量 # HELP ceph_osds_up Count of OSDs that are in UP state
ceph_peering_pgs 群集中peering状态的PG数量 # HELP ceph_peering_pgs No. of peering PGs in the cluster
ceph_pgs_remapped remapped并引起cluster-wide(群集范围)移动的PG数量 # HELP ceph_pgs_remapped No. of PGs that are remapped and incurring cluster-wide movement
ceph_recovering_pgs 群集中recovering状态的PG数量 # HELP ceph_recovering_pgs No. of recovering PGs in the cluster
ceph_recovery_io_bytes 每秒recovery的字节数 # HELP ceph_recovery_io_bytes Rate of bytes being recovered in cluster per second
ceph_recovery_io_keys 每秒恢复的keys数率 # HELP ceph_recovery_io_keys Rate of keys being recovered in cluster per second
ceph_recovery_io_objects 每秒恢复的object的速率 # HELP ceph_recovery_io_objects Rate of objects being recovered in cluster per second
ceph_recovery_wait_pgs 处于recovery_wait状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_recovery_wait_pgs No. of PGs in the cluster with recovery_wait state
ceph_scrubbing_pgs 处于scrubbing状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_scrubbing_pgs No. of scrubbing PGs in the cluster
ceph_slow_requests 慢速请求数 # HELP ceph_slow_requests No. of slow requests
ceph_stale_pgs 处于stale状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_stale_pgs No. of stale PGs in the cluster
ceph_stuck_degraded_pgs 处于degraded状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_stuck_degraded_pgs No. of PGs stuck in a degraded state
ceph_stuck_requests stuck(卡住)的请求数 # HELP ceph_stuck_requests No. of stuck requests
ceph_stuck_stale_pgs 处于stale状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_stuck_stale_pgs No. of stuck stale PGs in the cluster
ceph_stuck_unclean_pgs 处于unclean状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_stuck_unclean_pgs No. of PGs stuck in an unclean state
ceph_stuck_undersized_pgs 处于undersized状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_stuck_undersized_pgs No. of stuck undersized PGs in the cluster
ceph_total_pgs 集群中总的PG数 # HELP ceph_total_pgs Total no. of PGs in the cluster
ceph_unclean_pgs 处于unclean状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_unclean_pgs No. of PGs in an unclean state
ceph_undersized_pgs 处于undersized状态的PG数 # HELP ceph_undersized_pgs No. of undersized PGs in the cluster